How to Sweeten Lemonade

"The secret of life is not only making lemonade out of lemons -- but it's understanding the benefits of the lemons. It's looking into the countless ways that lemons make us better." I've come to know my neighborhood well. As the days have gotten shorter and the skies more grey, I've taken to long, midday… Continue reading How to Sweeten Lemonade

Some Leaves are Still Green

The dracaena fragrans, or corn plant, is a popular house plant because of how tall it can grow and its relatively easy care routine. I got my first around 2020, a year that house plants would give many of us a much needed distraction in the face of shelter in place orders. At the time… Continue reading Some Leaves are Still Green


I do the kind of work where I am often called to hold space for others while I am still processing the terrors of the moment. It's never easy, but it's necessary. And even though I believe I've often done some of my strongest and deepest community work like this, I am often left depleted,… Continue reading Terror.